Michael Wadler weaves humor throughout the telling of his youthful experiences on what it means to be a Jew and in particular, about the Passover Seder, including readings of the Haggadah, eating matza, drinking wine, leaving a glass for Elijah … (Read More)
Speech: Icebreaker, by Hanna Lynn Roth (Video)
Hanna Lynn Roth presents her first formal speech as a Toastmaster, the Icebreaker, which has a purpose to introduce herself to the club.
News: Jo Lauricella Elected Toasmasters District 52 Governor
Roberta Perry and Richard Stewart present Jo Lauricella to the Renaissance Speakers as the newly elected 2013-2014 District Governor of Toastmasters District 52.
District 52 serves Toastmasters clubs in downtown Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, Glendale, Burbank, Beverly Hills, … (Read More)
Speech: Ice Cream Opportunity Scavaging, by Hanna Lynn Roth (Video)
Hanna Lynn Roth gives her first Toastmasters impromptu presentation about unusual opportunities and ice cream.
Speech: A Guy Named Joe, by Jeff Harman (Video)
Jeff presents a humorous tale about a man dealing with a psychiatrist and his drugs. If this tale doesn’t make you feel good inside, you need to seek professional help!
Speech: Making a Great Movie: Cleavage & Guns, by Lance Miller (Video)
Lance Miller gives an impromptu, comedic presentation on the criteria he uses to determine a great movie.
Article: Who Am I Now … What Is My Story?
![Hanging Clothes](http://renaissancespeakers.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/HangingClothes250.jpg)
Consciously or Sub-Consciously we judge and categorize every person we encounter based in great part on the clothes they are wearing.
This process of observation – in reverse – is how I Costume characters in a script. I think of … (Read More)
News: Halloween with the Renaissance Speakers
Every Sunday morning is a fun, entertaining and educational experience with the Renaissance Speakers in Hollywood, CA. This year’s Halloween theme was celebrated by leveraging the ongoing good times and camaraderie with the addition of costumes and color.
Join us … (Read More)
News: The Renaissance Speakers Club Turns 23!
This morning’s meeting/party was presided over by Jo Lauricella. The meeting honored all the club’s past presidents over the past 23 years. The past presidents in the photo include:
1) Willard Michlin
2) Ray Korns
3) Debbie Ellish
4) Jo … (Read More)
Speech: Golden Dreams, by Richard Stewart (Video)
Richard Stewart delivers a humorous multi-personality presentation as part of a “Liars Contest” that was held outside the club.