On February 8, 2014, a group of Renaissance Speakers (Hollywood) traveled to Las Vegas to put on a demonstration meeting … (Read More)
Public Speaking Made Fun – Toastmasters District 52
On February 8, 2014, a group of Renaissance Speakers (Hollywood) traveled to Las Vegas to put on a demonstration meeting … (Read More)
Richard Stewart presents a humorous “tall tale” about winning a Texas Chili Championship…as a woman. This particular presentation was also broadcast as part of the weekly television series, Our Ventura TV.
Fresh from her 2nd Place finish in District 52’s Evaluation Contest, Susan Stewart also just achieved the award of Distinguished Toastmaster, or DTM, which is the highest recognition a Toastmaster member may receive. Susan was presented the DTM medal and … (Read More)
In this educational and inspiring speech, Lance explains in detail the key component that could make your speeches even more effective.
VP Public Relations Jeff Harman joins guest presenter Cass Warner (center) in awarding two certificates for the Warner Brothers Studios VIP TOUR to winner Serena McCullough. Serena brought into the most guests to Renaissance Speakers meetings between Aug 1 and Sept … (Read More)
The winners of the recent speech contests at Renaissance Speakers will now enter the next level of competition at the Area Contests this Sunday, September 15, in Burbank.
George Alger will represent the … (Read More)
A select group of Renaissance Speakers were chosen to represent the club at last Friday’s Dodger-Padres game in Los Angeles.
Because Renaissance Speakers is well known throughout the world for its excellent speech evaluations (coaching), our members had been asked … (Read More)
Doug Crowder presents an impromptu and comedic speech, Godzilla in Paris. He was given a concept right before he arrived on the stage, and this is what he came up with…. This was also broadcast on local TV in Ventura, … (Read More)
Kwong Yang is the winner of the 2013 District 89 (in China) International Speech Contest. He was also the first global runner-up in the 2011 International Speech Contest. Kwong joined us at the Renaissance Speakers, in Hollywood, CA on Aug … (Read More)
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! RENAISSANCE SPEAKERS will be hosting an extraordinary INTERNATIONAL MEETING this Sunday, August 18, 9:00 am til noon.
Our speakers will include:
Kwong Yang
2013 District 89 (China) International Speech Contest Winner
Mun Jen Ng
2013 Founder’s District International … (Read More)